Planning to Write - Write to the Plan
Planning to Write - Write to the Plan
So your goal is to write a novel, a poem, a short story, a journal article, so what. When do you plan to move and take action and do some writing? I will ask again, What does your writing plan look like for 2021? Do you have a list of projects that you have yet to complete? Have you created an ACTION plan that will get that writing done? Remember, a list of writing projects is just that, a list of projects until you do some writing. Do you have new ideas and visions that you want to write about? Well, ideas and visions in your head without an action plan and outcomes are just dreams. There is nothing wrong with dreaming, but do you want those dreams to come to fruition. Do you want your novel, article, blog post, play, poetry, or family story to remain in your head, or do you want it to be seen, heard, and read?
A writer is either compelled to write or not, said Toni Morrison, she goes on; if I waited for inspiration, I really wouldn’t be a writer. The urge to wait for inspiration has killed many a story. I suggest that you put one word on the page, and the others will follow. [I can’t remember where I heard or read where Dr. Morrison said this, but I am attributing this to her as I remember it – she is awesome!!]
Make Your Creativity Into A Routine
If you are like me, it is always easier to find something else to do than write. Children need tending (teens too, for that matter), clothes need folding, dishes need washing, reading a book for fun, and Netflix and chill seem so appealing. Of course, if you are employed, an entrepreneur, and have other family responsibilities, you have a multitude of things to do. But for me, the joy comes when I sit down to write regularly.
It is essential that we make our creativity into a routine. We all must show up regularly to write, draw, paint, quilt. Whatever our creative outlet is, we must show up regularly for others to see, feel, touch, or read the outcome. So show up regularly to write. Toni Morrison said, “we write in the nooks and crannies of time.” Is this the same for you? How would you know if you never plan to write? How would you know if all that good stuff stays in your head?
Do not be afraid. The only rule to productive writing is to write consistently. If you can only get in 30 minutes every day, do that. If you can only get in two hours on Monday, Wednesday, do that! If you have the privilege of time, the time to write five days per week for 8 hours per day, you better do that!! When I say “do that,” I mean show up to write!
A routine is a plan. A plan in action with the outcomes established. The significance of the Sister Circle Writers’ writing planning process is that we consider why we write. Okay, so there are two rules to productive writing. The second rule being purpose. What is the purpose of our writing/creativity? Beyond the manuscript’s production – a self-help book, a novel, a play, a family story, journal article, etc. – that tangible artifact. Who benefits from your writing/creativity?
Again, if you missed my Vision and Planning session for Writers, below, you will find the link to the 2021 Writing Plan Workbook (Digital Download). The SCW Writing Plan Workbook is is a tool that will help you create a routine and plan the nooks and crannies of time for your writing creativity.
Plan to write and write to the plan, and that list of writing projects and goals will turn into outcomes.
Agape, Peace, & Blessings,
Dr. Annette MG